Thursday 20 August 2015

Source 2 Summer Task

This source focuses on Bristol City manager Steve Cotterill and how he is managing to try to get players signed with the club. This is another good source for looking how managers of different prestiges deal with FTA's as just like Source 1 there are subtle FTA's being asked towards the manager. For example, Cotterill was asked whether the team have other targets to try to buy after failing with an £8million bid for Crystal Palace striker Dwight Gayle. This is a FTA as the reporter seems to be sceptical about whether city are able to attract talented players. Cotterill responded with “we have loads of them, but its just a matter of whether we can afford them or not". This is not only a face saving act but also a positive face as the manager is reassuring those associated with the club and the reporters that despite failing to buy top targets they're able to find others to fit the team style as they have pin pointed alternative players to go for.

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